Truth creates LOVE / LIFE and lying creates FEAR / DEATH. By aligning my being with TRUTH and co-creating with others who are equally aligned will enable me to participate in the creation / experience of a benevolent LIFE. My choosing to align myself in every moment with the experience of what IS determines the LIFE I experience. The awareness of the choice to BE TRUTH is the GIFT being bestowed on me. I am aligning myself with the idea of SPIRIT. The idea of SPIRIT removes the constraints of a PHYSICAL experience. A tremendous amount of energy is required to push through the constraint. The IDEA grows by direct experience and becomes accessible to others as I overcome my personal resistance to change. The more I share the experience and I am open to receive confirmation from others then the  less energy is required to re-create the experience. Expressing my experience, my TRUTH, is benevolent for ALL. 

I spend part of the morning listening to this YouTube Video which express many Ideas that are coming to me.

I Skype with my friend Steve in Georgetown.

Erin reveals a new olives and garlic bun available at the French Bread shop. It tastes delicious.

I get to know Kirsten while enjoying my bread, salad and juice.

I chat with Galen.

I meet Yolanda for the first time and I share information about my visa experience.

Jade gives me a lift home.